Upcoming Training Courses

“Understanding Errors and Misconduct in Forensic Science”
Tue 16/04/2024

Resource Person: Mahindra Nath Varma, DBA, Founder and Principal Consultant, V-Global Consulting


Forensic science plays a critical role in the criminal justice system, providing evidence that can significantly impact legal proceedings and outcomes. However, errors and misconduct in forensic science represent key challenges in the legal landscape, influencing the reliability and credibility of evidence presented in courtrooms. This presentation offers a comprehensive examination of the dynamics surrounding errors and misconduct in forensic science. Through a detailed analysis of case studies, law practitioners will gain insights into the diverse array of errors that can occur, encompassing misinterpretation, contamination, and contextual biases. Furthermore, the presentation will highlight the underlying factors contributing to misconduct, including confirmation bias, institutional pressures, and inadequate oversight mechanisms within forensic practice.

This presentation will equip law practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of forensic evidence in legal proceedings. Law practitioners will learn to identify potential errors and misconduct in forensic analysis, strategically challenge the admissibility and reliability of such evidence, and advocate for fair trial procedures to safeguard the rights of their clients. By enhancing law practitioners' understanding of errors and misconduct in forensic science and providing actionable strategies for addressing these challenges, the presentation contributes to the pursuit of justice and the preservation of fair trial rights in legal proceedings.

Target Audience:  All Law Practitioners

Seats Available: 100 max

Delivery Mode: Face to face at the seat of the IJLS


The IJLS wishes to draw your attention to the fact that the CPD year 2023/2024 has started, and you are kindly requested to do the needful for the payment of your CPD fees as soon as possible. You may do so by calling in person at the Institute or by Bank transfer.

Two CPD Hours will be awarded.

Published on 5 April 2024

Quick Details:

Time & Duration: 14.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs (2 CPD Hrs)
Location: IJLS, Port Louis
Group: Law Practitioners & Legal Officers
Experience Level: All
Seat(s) available: 100 of 100

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"10 décisions récentes rendues par la cour de cassation en droit des contrats"- FULLY BOOKED
Thu 18/04/2024

Resource Person : Professor Jean -Baptiste Seube  (Doyen honoraire de la faculté de droit et d'économie de la Réunion, Co-directeur du DU de droit civil mauricien)


En dépit de la réforme française intervenue en 2016/2018 portant sur le droit des contrats et des obligations, il est important que les praticiens du droit mauriciens soient à jour avec la jurisprudence française rendue en matière de contrats. Ils y trouveront en effet des « persuasive authority » dans les dossiers qu’ils traitent au quotidien.

La séance de formation permettra d’aborder, en deux heures, dix décisions récentes portant sur :

  • La sanction de l’inexécution d’une obligation d’information (Cass. civ. 1ère, 20 décembre 2023, n°22-18928),
  • Les enjeux de la qualification du contrat (Cass. civ. 3ème, 11 janvier 2024, n°22-16974),
  • Les contrats conclus « par » une société en formation (Cass. com., 29 novembre 2023, n°22-12865),
  • Les contrats interdépendants (Cass. com., 10 janvier 2024, n°22-20.466),
  • La détermination du prix (Cass. com., 20 septembre 2023, n°21-25386),
  • Le recours aux usages (Cass. com., 4 octobre 2023, n°22-15685),
  • La garantie des vices cachés (Cass. com., 17 janvier 2024, n°21-23909),
  • L’exécution forcée en nature, (Cass. civ. 3ème, 6 juillet 2023, n°22-10884)
  • La cessation d’un contrat à durée indéterminée (Cass. civ. 1ère, 25 mai 2023, n°21-25333),
  • La résolution unilatérale et la mise en demeure (Cass. civ. 3ème, 25 janvier 2024, n°22-16583).

Seats Available: 100 max

Delivery Mode: Face to face at the seat of the IJLS


The IJLS wishes to draw your attention to the fact that the CPD year 2023/2024 has started, and you are kindly requested to do the needful for the payment of your CPD fees as soon as possible. You may do so by calling in person at the Institute or by Bank transfer.

TWO (2) CPD Hours will be awarded.

Published on 4 April 2024

Quick Details:

Time & Duration: 14hrs to 16hrs (2 CPD Hours)
Location: IJLS, Port Louis
Group: Law Practitioners & Legal Officers
Experience Level: All
Seat(s) available: 100 of 100

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“The Regulation of Electronic Transactions in Mauritius” (ONLINE CPD Course)
Mon 22/04/2024

Resource Persons:

John McKendrick: Barrister, King’s Counsel, UK - Click here for Bio profile

Tira Greene: Lawyer, Consultant, Anguilla - Click here for Bio profile

Beatrice Prèle-Frundi: Barrister, Mauritius - Click here for Bio profile

Course outline

  1. Introduction on different sections of the presentation
  2. A comparative view of international texts and standards
  3. The Mauritian legal framework for electronic transactions (electronic signatures will also be discussed)
  4. Blockchain technology and smart contracts

Target Audience:  All Law Practitioners

Seats Available: 100 max

Delivery Mode: Zoom (Online) 


The IJLS wishes to draw your attention to the fact that the CPD year 2023/2024 has started, and you are kindly requested to do the needful for the payment of your CPD fees as soon as possible. You may do so by calling in person at the Institute or by Bank transfer.

Two CPD Hours will be awarded.

Published on 5 April 2024


Quick Details:

Time & Duration: 15hrs to 17hrs (2 CPD Hours)
Location: Online
Group: Law Practitioners & Legal Officers
Experience Level: All
Seat(s) available: 100 of 100

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“Making your way through the legal intricacies of the Competition Act 2007”
Tue 23/04/2024

The CPD is organized in collaboration with the Competition Commission and is an introductory lecture to Competition Law, addressed to law practitioners of up to 5 years of call.

Resource Person: Mr Vipin Naugah, Head of Legal and Cartels at the Competition Commission. 

Bio Profile:

Mr Vipin Naugah is the Head of Legal and Cartels at the Competition Commission. He is a Barrister called to the Mauritian bar in 2008 and has been with the Competition Commission since its inception in 2009. He is also currently Commissioner on the Board of Commissioners of the COMESA Competition Commission, representing the Republic of Mauritius.


Competition law is premised on the concept that free markets deliver many benefits to consumers in terms of lower prices, wider choices, and more innovative products.  In seeking to uphold and protect this process, competition law typically regulates three commercial areas: mergers, agreements between competitors or enterprises along the supply chain, and conduct from dominant firms. From reviewing the key legal and economic principles that underpin the application of competition law in Mauritius to clarifying the Competition Commission’s investigative process, this talk aims to promote a greater understanding of the technicities of the competition law and enforcement regime and assist lawyers in their litigation or advisory roles vis-à-vis commercial clients.

Target Audience:  Law Practitioners of up to 5 years of call

Seats Available: 100 max

Delivery Mode:  Face to face at the seat of the IJLS


The IJLS wishes to draw your attention to the fact that the CPD year 2023/2024 has started, and you are kindly requested to do the needful for the payment of your CPD fees as soon as possible. You may do so by calling in person at the Institute or by Bank transfer.

Two CPD Hours will be awarded.

Published on 02 April 2024

Quick Details:

Time & Duration: 10hrs to 12hrs (2 CPD Hours)
Location: IJLS, Port Louis
Group: Law Practitioners & Legal Officers
Experience Level: All
Seat(s) available: 100 of 100

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ETHICS titled “Conflicts of Interest” - FULLY BOOKED
Wed 24/04/2024

Resource Person: Mr Avinash Sunassee, FCIArb, Barrister [please click here for full CV]


It is proposed to first look at the principles applicable to conflicts of interest in general. What gives rise to a conflict of interest? It is then proposed to have an interactive session and consider or formulate the rules applicable to different law practitioners. Finally, the question of how to manage conflicts of interest will be considered.

Target Audience:  All Law Practitioners

Seats Available: 100 max

Delivery Mode: Face to face at the seat of the IJLS


The IJLS wishes to draw your attention to the fact that the CPD year 2023/2024 has started, and you are kindly requested to do the needful for the payment of your CPD fees as soon as possible. You may do so by calling in person at the Institute or by Bank transfer.

Two CPD Hours will be awarded.

Published on 5 April 2024

Quick Details:

Time & Duration: 14.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs (2 CPD Hrs)
Location: IJLS, Port Louis
Group: Law Practitioners & Legal Officers
Experience Level: All
Seat(s) available: 100 of 100

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